How Your Driving Habits Affect Your Car Insurance Premiums Car insurance is a necessary expense for anyone who owns a vehicle. It provides financial protection against accidents, theft, and other unexpected events. In Australia, having comprehensive car insurance can save you significant costs down the line. However, what many drivers may not realise is how their driving habits can directly influence their insurance premiums. - read more
Don't Get Caught: Essential Tips for Avoiding Car Insurance Mistakes When it comes to protecting your vehicle and your finances, car insurance is a crucial investment. In Australia, car insurance helps cover the costs associated with accidents, theft, and other unexpected events on the road. - read more
From Airbags to AI: The Future of Car Safety Technology Car safety has come a long way since the early days of motoring. Initially, vehicles had minimal safety features, and accidents often led to severe injuries or fatalities. Over the years, technological advancements have significantly improved the safety of cars, making them much safer for drivers and passengers alike. - read more
Why Customisation Matters: Tailoring Car Insurance to Fit Your Needs Car insurance customisation refers to the process of tailoring an insurance policy to fit the specific needs and circumstances of an individual driver or business. Unlike standard, one-size-fits-all policies, customised car insurance allows for the inclusion and exclusion of coverage options based on the unique requirements of the insured party. - read more
The Art of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes for Max Savings in Australia Car insurance is a critical component of responsible vehicle ownership in Australia. With roads bustling with diverse traffic, from urban highways to outback tracks, safeguarding your journey becomes indispensable. However, the complex world of car insurance can bewilder even the most astute driver. This article embarks on a quest to demystify the process of comparing car insurance quotes, aiming for not just coverage, but substantial savings too. - read more
Understanding Add-Ons: Optional Car Insurance Coverages to Enhance Your Policy Car insurance is a crucial aspect of responsible vehicle ownership. It provides financial protection against accidents, theft, and other unforeseen events. In Australia, having the right car insurance policy can give you peace of mind on the road. - read more
From Airbags to AI: The Future of Car Safety Technology Car safety has come a long way since the early days of motoring. Initially, vehicles had minimal safety features, and accidents often led to severe injuries or fatalities. Over the years, technological advancements have significantly improved the safety of cars, making them much safer for drivers and passengers alike. - read more
How Your Driving Habits Affect Your Car Insurance Premiums Car insurance is a necessary expense for anyone who owns a vehicle. It provides financial protection against accidents, theft, and other unexpected events. In Australia, having comprehensive car insurance can save you significant costs down the line. However, what many drivers may not realise is how their driving habits can directly influence their insurance premiums. - read more
Don't Get Caught: Essential Tips for Avoiding Car Insurance Mistakes When it comes to protecting your vehicle and your finances, car insurance is a crucial investment. In Australia, car insurance helps cover the costs associated with accidents, theft, and other unexpected events on the road. - read more
Car Insurance Savings: Tactics Aussies Can Use for Lowering Their Premiums Car insurance is an essential aspect of vehicle ownership for Australians, providing financial protection in case of accidents, theft, and other unforeseen events. As with any form of insurance, the premiums you pay can vary widely, so understanding the factors that influence these costs is critical. - read more
Innovative Fee Protection for Schools: A New Safety Net 08 Oct 2024: Paige Estritori 360 Underwriting Solutions has marked a significant stride in financial resilience for educational institutions by launching a novel insurance product designed specifically for independent schools. This new solution addresses a critical gap by safeguarding schools from potential financial disruptions caused by unpaid fees. - read more |
Stolen Bag Saga: Travel Insurance Dispute Highlights Policy Loopholes 07 Oct 2024: Paige Estritori A recent travel mishap has brought attention to travel insurance policy nuances, as a traveler successfully claimed $6,300 after his bag was taken by a tuk-tuk driver during an overseas trip. - read more |
Calls for Transparency Surge as Disclosure Debate Continues 04 Oct 2024: Paige Estritori In the evolving landscape of insurance broking, the push for greater transparency surrounding broker remuneration has gained renewed momentum. Amidst ongoing assessments of the Insurance Brokers Code, the Code Compliance Committee has vocally advocated for a reinstatement of mandatory remuneration disclosures to small business clients, with a strategic focus on refreshing trust through clarity. - read more |
icare Ushers in Major Changes Starting Next Week 01 Oct 2024: Paige Estritori Commencing on October 8, icare is gearing up for significant structural changes aimed at streamlining operations and boosting efficiency. This initiative comes in response to a comprehensive Operational Expenditure Review conducted by NSW Treasury, which outlines 14 pivotal findings to help reduce the state's insurer's service costs by 5%. - read more |
Horse Accident Claim Rejected: A Deeper Look into Trauma Insurance 01 Oct 2024: Paige Estritori An individual who sustained serious injuries from a horse riding accident has been denied a trauma insurance payout, as authorities concluded that there is insufficient proof that her condition is irreversible. - read more |